The incredible story of Oli, a young British man with Asperger’s, who overnight discovers he has 25 brothers and sisters, all from the same American sperm donor. 来自英国的奥利患有亚斯伯格症(社交障碍),他的母亲是通过精子库中的精子..The incredible story of Oli, a young British man with Asperger’s, who overnight discovers he has 25 brothers and sisters, all from the same American sperm donor. 来自英国的奥利患有亚斯伯格症(社交障碍),他的母亲是通过精子库中的精子生下的他,有一天他发现自己的亲生父亲是一位美国捐精者,而且他已知的兄弟姐妹就有25个。于是他飞到美国来与父亲和兄弟姐妹见面......详情